A man spent two days trying to save a tiny kitten that had been living in a pile of junk. He was determined to get her out to safety.
Early this week, Nikki Martinez, a local rescuer/foster based in Las Vegas, was on a TNR (trap-neuter-return) project when she met a woman that needed help.
“She admitted she was in over her head with 20 indoor cats, at least 10 outdoor cats and eight indoor kittens. She had no way of providing for them medically,” Nikki told Love Meow.
The woman agreed to surrender all the cats and kittens so they could receive immediate medical care, vaccinations, get spayed/neutered and find good homes. Initially, Nikki and her husband thought that there were only eight kittens needing rescue.
“While I was there getting the eight kittens, I heard a kitten cry coming from a large junk pile underneath her carport. But I was unable to reach her,” Nikki said.
Nikki’s husband tried to rummage through the junk pile very carefully but the kitten was hiding inside, completely out of reach. They brought the eight kittens home and returned the next day for the kitten number nine.
“My husband was ‘surfing’ on his belly atop about nine feet of trash. Amongst the trash, he found the bodies of three deceased cats and living there with the bodies was this baby. We could hear her crying but we just couldn’t grab her.”
After about two hours, they were finally able to safely remove the kitten from the area.
“She was living in a very dangerous outdoor area and I’m so thankful that we could get her out of that unclean outdoor living environment,” Nikki said.
“She was kitten number nine, and I brought her home, bathed her, dewormed her and put her in with the rest of the kittens that were taken from that site.”
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